Monday, April 23, 2007

I don't want to be awake...

John and I have been going to bed way too late on Sunday nights since the new season of The Sopranos started a few weeks ago. We have to watch it at 11pm because when it's on at 8pm there are still to many small children awake in our house who don't need to see gangsters getting shot in the eye. Being the responsible parents we are (and not wanting to give Jenna any ideas), we catch the later showing, and then once The Sopranos are over Gene Simmon's Family Jewels comes on. So we haven't been making it to bed until about 1am lately.

This normally isn't a problem for me because I don't have to get up on Monday mornings...

Alexi and CJ, our two oldest kids, usually spend the weekend at their dad's house, which means that John can get up with Tiana on Monday's and drop her off at school on his way to work. I only need to sit up in bed long enough to do her hair, give her a kiss and a hug, and then I can sleep until the two foot tornado wakes up.

This was my weekend to have Alexi and CJ though. Don't get me wrong, I love having them and wish I had them for more weekends. We had a great time, the weather was beautiful so we took a nice walk on Saturday. We went down to the little shopping area near our house and found that it was the Annual Racine Arts Walk, so all of the stores were doing special things. We watched a wood turner make a little top at one store, had coffee and treats at the local coffee shop, and just had a good time being with each other. On Sunday we got some much needed cleaning done around the house, and while there's still a lot that needs to be done, we managed to accomplish quite a bit.

I had to get up this morning though, to do my usually morning runs, and I have to say I'm not so thrilled about it. I could use an extra hour or two of sleep...

Anyway, I wanted to catch you up on a couple of things. First of all...


He's feeling a little old and doesn't want anyone to know though, so keep it a secret, ok?

The last thing is that Tiana got some disappointing news on Friday. She was scheduled to get her brace off on Wednesday, but Shriners called... Her doctor had a medical emergency and has had to take a personal leave. Her appointment had to be rescheduled for May 4th. So she's in the brace for another week and a half and she's really not happy about it. We did make a flurry of phone calls on her behalf though, and they said that she could keep the brace off while she's at home until her next appointment. So that made things a little better for her, but she still has to wear it at school, and she's not cleared for PE class, or any extra curricular sports yet.

All in all she took it well, she tried not to cry, but she was really disappointed. Poor kid, she just wants to get back to her normal life again.

So that life at my house... So many exciting things going on, and I'll keep you posted on them all!

Have a great day!


Cathrine StClair said...

I'm sorry to hear about Tiana - it must be even harder for her now that the weather is getting nice. I hope the time passes quickly.

"Happy Birthday John"

The RI blog is looking good!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday (is secret) To John! Poor baby with the brace on for another week and a half. That is loke totally forever for someone her age! :(
Give her long distance hugs from me!

Melissa said...

HA I have a 2 foot tornado too!!! ha ha ha